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Frequently asked questions
How can I request my balance?
  • Select the products or services you want to checkout.

  • Select CASHlib as the payment method at checkout.

  • Enter the serial number and PIN of your voucher.

  • The amount will be deducted directly from the balance on your voucher.

How can I request my balance?

Use the online balance checker to see how much CASHlib credit you have left on your voucher. Your remaining balance is shown immediately.

Do you already have an account?

CASHlib vouchers are valid for 12monthsfrom the date of issue , but we recommend using the credit within 6 months. This is because after 6 months, a monthly commission of €2.50 will be deducted from the balance of your voucher.

What are the customer service contact details?

Protect your bank details during online payments with a CASHlib voucher. Choose your prepaid credit, pay securely online and maintain your privacy. Use the unique code and PIN for direct payments at online shops, games, purchases and streaming. You will receive the code immediately by e-mail and enjoy easy and secure payment without sharing personal information. CASHlib, the ultimate prepaid payment card for confidential transactions and financialële peace of mind.